Whistleblowing Systems
(Protected Disclosure Systems)
The Fraud Prevention Training Centre is a partner organisation within the Whistleblowing.EU network of firms whose goal is to provide bespoke, timely and cost-effective solutions to enable reporters (whistleblowers) access to a secure and legal mechanism to make protected disclosures.
We help protect the organisation from noncompliance and reducing reputational damage as a result of inappropriate action taken when investigating reports received.
We work with organisations to provide the following:
Gap Analysis
A current state analysis (gap analysis) of Protected Disclosures compliance – from policy and procedure reviews, assessment of the suitability of current reporting channels and mapping out how reports are managed internally by organisations
Legal Compliance
Recommendations on adjustments to be made to comply with law
Implementation Solutions
Provision and implementation of several low-cost technology solutions that are GDPR and information security compliant
– all based in the EU
Triage/First Responder
Provision of outsourced triage / first responder support when organisations receive disclosures
Investigation Support
Investigation support including outsourced training of case managers / investigators